Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This was not a good day. Before heading north to South Bend, Indiana, I had an appointment with my oncologist in Indianapolis. The powerful drug that I have been taking is not helping the rise of myeloma protein in my blood. There are also many side-effects with this drug. One major change in my daily life is I am experiencing some neuropathy in my hands.

When Avis and I arrived at our son’s home, I was very tired and at night, I had difficulty sleeping. This was not unusual. Lying in bed at 3:10 am, I was wide awake and feeling a bit of self pity. With moist eyes and looking through vertical binds I saw the most beautiful sight: A star that seemed to radiate in a twinking mass. It gave me such comfort recognizing that God was watching over me. Later I found out that the “star” was the planet Jupiter but as we know, God can send a messenger ahead for a greater event.


  1. Hi David,
    I'm sorry you're still fighting this battle with cancer. What a loving God we have to assure us just when we feel most alone that we're never alone. I'm praying for you this morning.

    Your friend in Christ,
    Mimi Klotz

  2. Remember how I use to help you with electric and you bought me that wire stripper tool? The other day I was repairing an outlet and forgot the black wire was the hot wire. That was a wake up call!!!

    A book I have read several times might be interesting to you as you work with this condition. "The Genius Frequency" by John J. Falone. Keep on keeping on...Denny
